Welcome to Hayward

Kicking around town can be lots of fun. Come join me.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wonderful.  That's what you are.

Ray Magorno

Happy Father's Day!

Great day.  We went to the movies and saw "Rock of Ages" with Tom Cruise.  We stopped at Red Chili's and brought home take-out Thai food.  Hung out all day and watched golf and "Cops" and Judge Judy and Judge Millian.  PG&E worked on our street with the transformers for about 12 hours today and turned off our electric two times.  Just a nice, fun, "chill" day.  For Father's Day, Tammie called,  Skipper, Cheri, Tony and Susan called, and Penny called.  Penny said that Tim has to go back to prison for two years for violating a no-trespass on his ex-wife.  They are all still in Montana.

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