Welcome to Hayward

Kicking around town can be lots of fun. Come join me.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Use "BPA-free" Plastic"
Look for numbers 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6, which are unlikely to contain BPA.
Steer clear of plastics with the number 3 or 7 on the bottom.
Microwave in glass containers.  Heat increases the release of BPA.
Look for BPA-free pouches when buying tuna.

The last couple of days, in addition to watching football playoff games, I have been researching online for cast iron skillets.  The older cast iron is very appealing because it is very durable and yet, more lightweight.  Seems like I would much prefer the lighter weight, just knowing myself.  Turns out, there is a whole world devoted to cast iron skillets.  Very interesting.

1 comment:

-Heidi said...

We recently got a cast iron dutch oven... I've used cast iron quite a lot, but I had no idea how much more there was to learn! I'm very sure it will be well worth it!